My Muse Left A Message on My Machine

I seriously considered blowing off NaNoWriMo again this year, as I have done in previous years, because I honestly don’t believe I’d get anywhere close to the word count. My life is rather full at the moment.

But the other night, while gradually downshifting my brain for sleep, I came up with a plotline that I really like. Setting and conflict sprang to mind, though character and resolution still evade me. Also, some of it’s a touch derivative, and I’ll have to address that sooner or later. I wish to make sure that I have something original to say.

I seriously doubt I can spin out 50,000 words of it before December, but leaving NNWM out of the picture, this is the best idea I’ve had in a few years. It could well be worth pursuing.

There’s a blog called Slacktivist where, among other things, the writer presents his opinion of the “Left Behind” books in great detail. (Said opinion isn’t positive.) What I bookmarked, though, is Slacktivist’s link to Kurt Vonnegut’s “Eight rules for writing fiction.” Vonnegut isn’t exactly my favorite writer ever, but that’s an excellent list, and one I try to keep in mind when I’m writing.



  • meiran says:

    I might have to put aside my intense but illogical dislike of Vonnegut to look at that list then ; )

    The idea I wanted to write for NaNo is a good one, but I still can’t get it down on paper right now. So I’m kinda in the same place as you. My beginning is really sucking, and I don’t do well at writing out of order but I know the ending but there are a few things I haven’t worked out…and I’ll stop rambling now.

    But yeah, I haven’t managed to write more than a few pages this year. My heart just isn’t in it, which is sad.

  • Mikhail says:

    I’m not really a fan either; yet a lot of his writing has stuck with me, much in the way that the sight of a nasy auto accident will :p

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