Harry Potter and the Dancers of Solid Gold

Found this in a comment on Kaja Foglio’s LiveJournal.


Ze goggles! Zey do nuttzink!!!!

Harry Potter and the World of Dysfunctional Cylons

From the wonderful mollyringwraith, who brought us the condensed versions of the Lord of the Rings movies, comes Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (condensed) Parts One and Two. If you are a Potter fan, read these. You may even wish to if you aren’t a fan 🙂

This weekend while playing WoW, I got into my first 4-person party, and I admit that this was probably the most fun I’ve yet had with the game. But the Schwartz has an up side and a down side.

The stars are right again

This is my Sci-Fi Horoscope, from a link seen on tzel‘s journal. I’m only posting this because it’s completely accurate:

Kirbii (Oct. 14—Nov. 20)
You will be unable to shake the feeling that society at large would be improved by even more chunky, quasi-cubist levitating machinery of mystic origin, as well as the increased use of triple exclamation points by the general populace.

Birthday, icon, and filk

Happy birthday to yubbie – hope he and collenk have special plans this weekend!

Darth Humperdink

I’ve been threatening to write this one for ages. A new filk for Keith…

You don’t know the power of the geek side…

Eric Burns, of Websnark.com:

“I’d like to go into depth on the Jedi philosophy, on the core of Hubris that led to the Fall of the Jedi Order, on the nature of denial and of ossification, and on the ways that Qui Gon Jinn represented, thematically, a break from all that in his methodology which led step by step to the next three movies and the redemption of the Jedi in the Expanded Universe. I would. And I’d like to show how David Willis has highlighted this succinctly. I even accept that if I did so, I’d never, ever get laid again. Somehow, this thesis would cling to me like lack of hygiene and even geek grrls would pause upon seeing me, say “well, no. Not him,” and move on.”

Instead, he just points us to this “Shortpacked!” comic. Which is freaking hilarious.

Oh, and I’ve stumbled upon a site with more remixes of the Doctor Who theme than any sane soul would ever need.

Reviews and a design challenge

Quick review of the Hitchhiker’s Guide movie:

You should probably go see it if you like any of the other versions, or you like SF comedy. Sure, they took a lot of stuff out. (Cutting 3 hours of radio play down to 90 minutes will do that.) Sure, they changed a lot of stuff. (This was a practice Douglas Adams himself was quite fond of.) But if you go with an open mind and don’t insist on a copy of one of the other Hitchhiker’s media, you ought to have a good time.

Quick review of last Friday’s Enterprise:

Plot? Who cares? Space battle scenes with a certain class of starship… *happy sigh* (There’s some other eye candy too, for het-male or compatible formats.)

In all seriousness… I wonder how a 21st-century costume designer would design a believable futuristic military uniform that would provide eye candy for het-females and compatible? Bill Theiss tried showing some leg in the men’s “skant” uniforms for TNG, and the design died a quick, ignoble death. It’s an interesting question.

Generic “Fan Complaint Form”

Stolen from Slashdot

and placed behind a cut

Not a large tax base

From an Associated Press story:

“Newly sworn-in President Alfredo Palacio, who was vice president under Gutierrez, installed members of a new Cabinet Thursday in an effort to bring stability to the South American country of 12.5 people.”

12.5 people? Tell me that’s not a banana republic. i think I’ve ruled bigger countries than that.

Your Sci-Fi Friday

Yoda is clearly a much better teacher of the Jedi way than Obi-Wan Kenobi. One month with Luke, and Yoda had him ready to take out Darth Vader with a match-and-a-rematch; Obi-Wan had Anakin for, what, 7 or 8 years and never quite managed to teach him that “The vengeful destruction of entire communities is *bad*, dude.”


Spaceship engines I have invented (or helped invent):

The Noodle Drive – powered by the reaction between pasta and antipasto

The Arel Drive – twisting space by the efforts of anime fans and Nihonjin exchange students trying to get each other’s consonants right

The Warped Drive – converting the libido of freshman college students to energy (still theoretical only, every piece of experimental equipment has melted or gotten icky)

Yes, most of these inventions did involve sleep deprivation.

Rodents and technology




Consider all the “computer mouse” jokes made.

Warning: these two are okay, but not all the pics in this guy’s journal are necessarily brain- or work-safe.

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