“If she’d gone that way, she’d’ve gone right to that ‘orrible castle!”
Okay, the comment text is a bit garbled, but still, I will *not* complain about being this movie: David Bowie – Jennifer Connelly – Jim Henson – George Lucas – Maurice Sendak – M.C. Escher – crystal juggling – Choreography by Beverly Crusher! 🙂
You’re a dreamer at heart and have a great looking Goblin King. You are everybody’s favorite, but most won’t accept you. |
made by
Internet access for Moose supplied by BinkyWare Oslo
Personally, I always identified with Arthur. Or Tim… actually, I’ve often wished I was a pyrokinetic.
which “monty python and the holy grail” character are you?
this quiz was made by colleen
Well, the sorting hat put me in…
Ravenclaws value intellect — you like things which challenge your mind, whether it be math, art, history, or all of the above and more! You might be somewhat withdrawn, or your intellect might make you a bit mysterious to others. |
I have been chosen to serve the MCP…
I really tried to resist posting yet another test result here… and, as you see, I failed miserably.
I am a Light Cycle.
I drive fast, I turn fast, I do everything fast. I even breakfast. I tend to confuse people with my sudden changes of heart. Sometimes I even confuse myself, which tends to cause problems. What Video Game Character Are You? |
I can’t say I think this one really got me right… I think Kong is closer. But hey, it’s an online test. 🙂
Follow the trend, it’s easy and fun!
Time for my quiz!!! True or false…
1) An easy one: I am 33 years old.
2) My favorite film actress of all time is Isabella Rosselini.
3) I have been kissed by B-movie queen Brinke Stevens.
4) I never actually graduated from high school.
5) I have artificial parts in two of my limbs.
6) Among my friends and relatives, I can count three actual rocket scientists.
7) Counting full “starship” chapters and probationary “shuttle” chapters separately, I have been a member of seven different Starfleet chapters.
8) I read remarkably quickly. In elementary school, I was clocked at 500 words per minute with a 99% comprehension rate.
9) A gaming article of mine was once published in D&D’s “Dragon” magazine.
10) I can’t stand the sight of blood or maimed bodies.
11) In high school, my three-member clique was sometimes jokingly referred to as the local Irish Republican Army cell.
12) I have performed in a play at Roanoke’s Mill Mountain Theater.
13) My first VTSFFC experience involved Scott Gosik and a car accident.
14) I have never been to the West Coast.
15) I have intentionally walked around naked, in public, in the last 10 years.
Good luck – enter early and often!!!
The Sex Test
According to the Sex Test @ TheSpark.com, I am fated to have one more lover in my life; this person will be female, and I will be in love with them. However, as I am an idealist, I will have to be careful not to get hurt by the relationship. I just hope Rain likes her… LOL
According to their polls, 31% of all Trek fans are virgins. Of course, their polls also claim that 155988 people have given Bill Clinton a “hummer”. (That’s that military 4-wheel-drive vehicle, right?)
So, What Exactly Are Your Criteria?
Okay, I took the Geek and Goth tests…
Nerd, Freak, Geek, Dweeb. Sound familiar?
That’s okay, cause I will be the richest
person at my 15th year high-school reunion.
If a “con” isn’t happening that weekend.
Take the GEEK Test at Fuali.com!
Oh My Goth! You Goth, Girl. There is a
good chance I am bi. Freakiness pumps
through my viens, but I can still laugh
at myself.
Take the GOTH Test at Fuali.com!
Now, I answered just about every question in the “goth” test no… my few “yes” answers must have counted a LOT.
Also, the goth test keeps calling me girl… Hmmmmmmmmmm. 😉