Vennsday, venn else?

One of the salespeople here is named Natashia. Random free-association, which often occurs while I lay down clipping paths in Photoshop, led me to old memories of Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons. From there, idle thoughts about bad Eastern European accents led elsewhere; and I now have the entire soundtrack, with dialogue and audience responses, of The Rocky Horror Picture Show running uncontrollably through my head.

“Ahhhh, I grow veary of this vorld! Venn shall ve return to Transylvania, hah?”

Some would call this lunch… I call it a temporary cease-fire

Things I like about being the only one in the office:
* I can look at any web page I want providing I remember to clear my history and caches when I leave 🙂
* I can do really stupid chair dances when iTunes is playing techno and nobody can look at me strange.

Things I dislike:
* The phone rings every 5 minutes, and I usually have to answer with “They’re not here right now” or “I can’t give you a price on that, may I take a message for one of our sales reps?”
* I can’t get anything else done because of the above. It has taken me over an hour to finish this single LJ entry, and I’m only managing that because I’m waiting for a PDF file to finish generating.
* I have to lock the front door and put up a “Back Shortly” sign just to use the men’s room.

Thanks to everyone who read my first poll, and voted. For everyone who picked choice #3, I want you to know that I really truly feel the love, and it takes one to know one. :p Discounting choice three, the top pick was “An appreciation of women in panties is a natural form of sexual expression, thankyouverymuch” which gives me hope for the future of this society. And I’m glad someone had the nerve to pick choice #6.

My tastes for background music have been sliding farther away from rock and pop, and more towards techno and dance. I think it’s ’cause my brain needs the endorphins these days. I’ve been trying to listen to some house music, but every time I play a house track, I keep feeling like it’s the world’s longest intro to an actual song (which never starts). I did surprise one of the salespeople yesterday… she heard “Popcorn” playing on my speakers, and named three other 70’s pop/rock instrumentals she used to like. I had them all and played them for her. 🙂

That’s it for now…

Early Wednesday afternoon

It is 60 degrees outside… and I am stuck inside. There’s got to be something work-related I can do outside… maybe the newspaper racks all need painting, or something.

Here’s a belated welcome to our little LJ community for rhaps and shrewlet. Now they’ll discover we have an entirely new way to pester them.

Yesterday, I did 21 hours’ worth of work in 13 hours. My head hurts, and my stomach’s upset, but I’m so happy it’s over and that the sun’s shining that I don’t really care.

raininva got me the cutest set of Lego Star Wars models last night – 4 small packs of two models each, each one about 2 inches long, of various vehicles from the 5 movies. I put together the mini X-Wing last night… and if you have all four, you can make the mini TIE Bomber model. I’m happy 😉

1,000 points to Ryan Stiles for the whole “tall” thing

I’m typing up a pamphlet on selling strategies for work, and I hit this passage:

Client: How soon can you get us the product? Seller: What time schedule would be suit your needs?

… and I’m immediately thinking, “Look, it’s the Question Game!”

Client: Are you sure you understand my needs? Seller: Have I given you reason to think I don’t? Client: Can’t you see I’m a little uncomfortable with this purchase? Seller: How can I alleviate your discomfort? Client: Can I have a cookie? Seller: What kind of cookie would you like?

… and so on, and so on.

Someone told me yesterday about a website I needed to check out. Now, if I can only remember which site, or even who it was.

Meg Mabus’ New Tattoo

frog on shoulder

We now return you to your regularly scheduled journal entries.

B plus 34 years and counting…

Forgot my lunch this morning, so since it’s my birthday, my boss ordered me a sub from the deli nearby.

So far, this has been one of the more pleasant Fridays 🙂 I’ll have to share my good mood with my sweetie later today *wink*

Must… control… fist of death…

“I know that was supposed to be camera-ready, but I don’t know how to do that right, so I sent you something you could fix. Oh, I didn’t tell you that before you went to press? Well from now on, just fix all my ‘camera-ready’ ads before you print them, and it’ll be fine. And call me if you have any other graphics problems, I have years of experience in this field.”

More Tales from the Ad Biz

A local firearms dealer is advertising his new stock of Bushmaster .233 rifles this week. When questioned about the taste level, he shrugged and and said, “I can’t help it if I’m suddenly getting 15 calls a day for the things…”

One of my co-workers suggested darkly that everyone could make even more money if Bushmaster re-issued them in a special “Sniper Edition.”


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Tales of Modern Idiocy

A collection of unfortunate help-desk tickets: (had me snickering helplessly)

Chronicles of George

Stories of the increasingly surly owner of a video-game rental shop:

Acts of Gord

These are web pages nearly guaranteed to make you feel better about yourself.

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