Open the iPod connection, Hal…

Apple introduces iPod, a FireWire-equipped digital audio player (MP3, MP2, more) with a 5GB hard drive (1000 songs). iPod is the size of a standard deck of playing cards, and includes: 20 minute skip protection; FireWire connection; a 10 hour lithium-polymer battery which charges in 1 hour; backlit LCD display; playlist support; ID3 tag support; a scroll wheel for fast song access.

iPod will ship November 10 for $399.

Apple iPod Here’s a look at it.

I really wanted one of these for about 15 minutes, until the price got posted. I can think of other things to do with $400. If this is the beginning of Apple’s move into consumer electronics – well, I have my doubts. It’s neat – and I do want one – but I can’t afford that price.

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  • kittykatya says:

    It still doesn’t cut the grass.

    Ok, it’s a little nifty, but I think I could get the entire Harry Potter Lego set for that and would have more fun with it. 🙂

    Chris told me about this, though — it sounds nifty:
    (2:39 PM) No, now there are rumblings about some other thing called iWalk which is a sort of PDA which talks to your Mac directly via AirPort wireless. It has a color screen and could stream audio or video. That’s cool.

  • meiran says:

    If I had $400…

    I would…

    Pay $200 on my credit card
    Pay off my bookstore bill
    Buy snack food for my dorm room, of which I am out
    Buy something nice at Rising Star
    Pay for the publishing of NTS #2, which right now the club can’t afford and it’s coming out of my pocket
    and then…
    Maybe get that $20 thing that you can get to “mark” your favorite song on the radio and plug it in to your computer to download the song later.

    It’s a neat toy, but not a neat $400 toy ; )

    Wow, $400 is almost enough to get half a mini-dv camera from Sony *drool* If not plenty to pay a down payment since the prices are dropping.

  • Mikhail says:

    Re: It still doesn’t cut the grass.

    I’ve seen some of the same rumblings, but not from sources I believe. There seems to be a powerful collective desire among Mac geeks for an Apple PDA – the Newton was so far ahead of its time (and frequently of it’s own technology, which is why it’s dead.)

    The best Apple rumors site I know is As The Apple Turns: not only is he about 98% accurate, he’s pretty darn funny most of the time.

  • Mikhail says:

    Re: It still doesn’t cut the grass.

    Sorry, this is the correct link:

    As The Apple Turns


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