Michelle Light is cool!

meiran beat me to it.. I was playing with using my Michelle Light badge sketch as an icon, but I wasn’t quite happy with my Photoshop editing yet.

my badge icon

I did find someone online who could make me a set of pneumatic folding/unfolding eagle wings if I ever want to do an anthro griffin costume. I’m afraid to ask what the cost is, though!



  • kittenchan says:

    if you can, please try to leave Michele’s signature on it… I know I’d be upset if it was my art and my sig wasn’t there ..

  • Mikhail says:

    That was one of the things I still need to do to it 🙂

  • kittykatya says:

    Hee! If you can’t, you could always swoop her name over the head to give your icon a Michele Light toupee. 🙂

    Wow, pneumatic wings. That’s cool… and hideously expensive, most likely.

  • meiran says:

    *smile* Yeah, I put the URL on there because her sig wasn’t visible in my bad photo of it. I also emailed her and asked about it too, and so I’m sure she’d be flattered if you did the same *grin*

    I need to send off my payment for my stuff!!


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