
I was feeling really good about the 17 miles I’ve walked this month, until I looked up a reference in the Atlas of Middle-Earth.

In one month’s travel from Bag End to Rivendell, Frodo & Co. walked 450 miles!!!

Okay, they walked all day everyday, and were motivated by Black Riders on their tail. But still… I’m not quite so proud of myself.



  • raininva says:

    don’t forget

    Don’t forget… being halflings their legs are shorter too… so they would probably take 2 steps or 1 1/2 for every 1 you take.

    But to make you feel better… umm it’s just a story… they didn’t actually walk that far… you actually walked 17 miles. So you should still feel good.

  • Mikhail says:

    Re: don’t forget

    Good point!

    But I think now one of my long-term goals is to “walk to Rivendell”, so to speak. That will give me a good goal after I’m comfortable walking more than five miles every week.

  • yubbie says:

    Ok, some points here

    • You walked seventeen miles man!
    • You’re depressed because fictional characters who could just as easily have walked 1450 miles with a simple tick of a pen walked more than you did,
    • You walked seventeen miles man!
    • Even if lotr was an accurate historical account, the hobbits walk everywhere, every day, and did a lot of physical labor. 450 miles to them is probably 40 miles to you.
  • Mikhail says:


    Your points are excellent! I will stop worrying about it.

    I guess I was just a bit startled to see those figures – I figured that 17 miles would at least get me halfway to Bree and “The Prancing Pony”. As you say, these guys obviously walked a lot.

  • yubbie says:

    Re: *grinning*

    Think about the 17th and 18th century around here… Getting from the Draper’s Meadow settlement into Roanoke town for a beer would have involved at least one night of camping, each way, unless you happened to have a horse. Then it was just an overnighter… That’s why sw va and w va families are so interbred – when it’s a three day trip to the next bloodline, you end up marrying your second cousin. Or worse.

  • kittykatya says:

    Ok — no more atlases for you when you’re tired. 🙂

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