Recent exchanges in nius‘ LiveJournal got me thinking… healerkou recently told her mom that “Geeks don’t have sex.” This isn’t really true – it is the popular stereotype, and it may be true that geeks find sex less readily available, but that’s changing. And, like so much else at the beginning of the 21st century, we can connect it right to that dang Internet.

Short history of the geek-sex evolution of the Internet:

1) Government-sponsored geeks build a network to talk about nuclear explosions. 2) Those geeks, while talking about nuclear reactions, digress into astronomy.
3) Those geeks, while talking about astronomy, digress into Star Trek.
4) Those geeks, while talking about Star Trek, digress into things they’d like to do with the half-naked aliens on the show.
5) … which leads to Internet porn archives.
6) … which leads to the discovery that the geeks can make money selling porn site subscriptions to non-geeks.
7) … which leads to horny geeks meeting each other on porn sites and *doing* something about it.

Of course, this wouldn’t work were it not for the fact that intelligent women everywhere are discovering this subculture in which they can make as much money as the males, and simply by agreeing to roll a few d20s once a week, they can have intelligent men with paying jobs lined up at their doors.

It’s a rosy future, with hope for us all… assuming the non-geeks don’t catch on that we are finally having sex without them, and blow up the planet in spite.

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  • raininva says:

    current mood: hungry

    Go Eat!!

  • It was a joke ^_^ I know tons of geeks who have lots of sex! I live with some! I am one! *laugh* You just have to do it with your own kind ^_~

  • Mikhail says:

    *grin* I knew it was just a joke, I was just trying to express my pleased wonder that geeks *do* get to have sex after all – I was convinced as a youngster that they didn’t, and it was DEPRESSING! And you’re right – we basically end up having our sex with other geeks – thus promoting the sub-species 🙂

  • vond says:

    Michael, when you (and even I maybe) were a youngster, it was a lot more true than it is now. Also some of the “enabling concepts” which allow geeks to have more sex were less prevalent.

  • trenn says:

    That is true. After all, the first-generation geeks were almost exclusively male, and straight. This poses obvious problems in finding compatible partners without going outside the group. Now that society has accepted that women can be geeks too, the odds improve.

    Of course, the odds do still bite.

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