Puppet violence on the increase

A gentleman named Laz Rojas makes new character “skins” for the Voyager: Elite Force shooter game. Thanks to his work, one can clothe the Voyager characters in uniforms from any series except Enterprise, play Original Series, Next Gen, or Deep Space 9 characters, or even some unusual creations such as Tom Paris as a Blues Brother, or the feline Lieutenant M’Ress from the Animated Series. (trenn, take note!)

But with the upcoming Thunderbirds movie in the works, Rojas has apparently decided to go even farther afield… soon, Scott Tracy will be able to take out all those long-held frustrations on the other players!

(Click for a larger image)

Scott Tracy thumbnail

All Rojas’ skins and practice bots can be found at his Elite Farce website, and most can be modified for use in Quake 3, No One Lives Forever, Medal of Honor, or other Q3-based games.

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