
Finished reading the next Miles Vorkosigan book, The Warrior’s Apprentice, last night. I’m truly impressed so far by this series’ balance of humor and pathos. The characters are fleshed out very well, and the plot managed to surprise me a few times. I’m going to be smarter with this series than I was with the Warlock In Spite Of Himself books, and draw out my reading of them. I read so many of the Warlock series at once that I overdosed, and I haven’t been able to pick up another in over a year.

On that note, I’m back to Steven Brust, after giving him a vacation, and have started on the Book of Athyra (I may or may not be spelling that right). I think I’ll be all caught up on Vlad Taltos before I am with Miles Vorkosigan. That’s okay, though. I’ve still got those loaned Mercedes Lackeys to read, and yubbie tells me that there’s another Neal Stephenson coming soon.

Funny, I have a bunch of new Macintosh games as well as several half-finished PlayStation 2 games in the queue, but you still can’t beat books for portability and ease of use.

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  • jazzfish says:

    Athyra and Orca (the two in Book of Athyra) are my least faves of the series, although the two BIG HUGE PLOT POINTS at the end of Orca are worth a lot.
    Dragon and Issola (the next two, available in mass-market paperback) totally rock, though.

    And from my experience, it wasn’t just you; the Warlock books actually got less good as time went on.

  • yubbie says:

    Colleen has me reading the miles books. I’m just into Barraryar now. However, she says she doesn’t love me anymoe because I won’t agree with her that Miles’s little pinky could kick Honor Harrington’s butt.

    (Ok, shes on the phone right now lougly declaiming every having said that. Geez, has she never heard of artisitc license, or hyperbole… Ok, so what she said was that miles was such a better character, and the series was so much better than the honor harrington series. I’ll have to wait until finish the series to decide, but at least, unlike her, I’ll read more than two books of it before I declare that :-)).

  • Mikhail says:

    Well, the main difference I’ve noticed so far is that I’m usually less depressed and angry after reading a Vorkosigan book than a Harrington. 🙂

    However, I’d rather not be on the bad side of either Miles or Honor!

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