New Heinlein novel!

New to us, anyway. Bibliarchaeologists have discovered a copy of a novel Robert Heinlein wrote even before “Lifeline” had been published; “For Us, the Living” had been deemed too racy for publication in the 1930’s, and the few people who had known of the novel believed all copies of the manuscript destroyed.

Since the manuscript’s rediscovery, Heinlein’s estate has approved publication. I can’t help but think that this is likely to be higher quality than the usual “we found an outline under the sofa and the author’s kid ghost-wrote it” that SF and fantasy sees all too often. (Even Anne McCaffrey, who ain’t dead yet, is going to do that this year.)

Now, as long as we can keep Paul Verhoeven from making a movie of it…



  • pathia says:

    In Anne’s defense or her offsprings moreso I suppose. I’ve heard they’re a decent writer.

    I saw AM in person once, she seemed fairly…..caustic. I don’t see her giving it to anyone unworthy.

  • pathia says:

    Oh forgot one thought.

    How about the irony of the title? =)

  • Mikhail says:

    To be fair, while I am certainly a fan, I think Anne peaked a while ago. New blood might be a very good thing for Pern.

    Similarly, I’m not sure that Brian Herbert’s Dune-related novels could be worse than the last two of his dad’s, but I’m turned off by the fact that they are prequels. It always spoils things somewhat for me when I know the eventual outcome of a tale.

  • Mikhail says:

    *silly grin* *hug*

  • pathia says:

    The last Pern novel I really enjoyed was Masterharper of Pern.

    I enjoyed it, because it centered around my favorite character and unlike the prequel Dune books, the issues in the book were not already known, well most of them anyway. So even though it was in the past, you didn’t know the ending.

    Skies of Pern….meh, I don’t even think I finished it.

  • madwriter says:


    And I’m still hoping that Phil Farmer’s original Riverworld novel might show up one of these days…it disappeared back in the 1950’s (along with several other manuscripts, absconded by the fellow who ran the contest where it was entered–he also took the prize money), and no one has ever been able to track it down since.

  • Mikhail says:

    Skies of Pern….meh, I don’t even think I finished it.

    I did… and I can’t remember any of the plot. Which tells you how much impression it made on me.

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