D’oh! Winston Link

In a recent issue of the new, “Look! Lots of color!” Roanoke Times, they decided to show off their color presses by taking some old black-and-white pictures of the area and comparing them to recently-taken pictures of the same area from the same angle.

The problem is that they decided to use black-and-white photographs from acclaimed railroad photographer O. Winston Link as contrast, and even printed small, his pictures are much more visually interesting than the color work they’re compared to.

(Yeah, I have things to say about Matrix: Revolutions, the Eddie Izzard concert, and Rising Star, but I still haven’t gathered my thoughts on any of that yet.)



  • meiran says:

    Well that was just infinetly stupid of them. I really can’t stand that newspaper…I’m tempted to start a campaign like the one to send the AOL discs back to AOL, only with their damn one page waste of trees. I’m not going to subscribe. Ever. They can keep their stupid sale papers and “You know you want MORE COLOR” leaflets.


    Seriously though, black and white is actually a CHOSEN art form for many photographers because it has qualities that color doesn’t. Der.

  • madwriter says:

    The newspaper

    There’s a whole soap opera saga involved behind the new color presses that I got to hear about firsthand, because my dad is the Times’ layout editor. (And an old veteran, which means (a) they don’t like paying his salary but no one else knows how to do what he does, and (b) being young whippersnappers they exiled the veterans from the process.)

    I’d thought about posting some highlights of the events leading up to the new color press on my LJ; I may yet do that.

  • Mikhail says:

    Re: The newspaper

    Please do, I’d love to hear about the drama at someone else’s paper for a change 🙂

  • jdunson says:

    Thanks for pointing this out; there’s a version of this on the RT website. Link is not only one of my more favorite photographers, but has family connections for me; some of my relatives show up in his photos, particularly the Virigina Creeper series.

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