We should rewrite the script so we win
All three completed Space Rogues episodes, plus the blooper reel, have now been posted on the movies page of my website. Yes, they are QuickTime, and yes, they are huge files so you’ll need broadband. I tried MPEGing them and DivXing them, and they didn’t get smaller either way. One day, I hope to generate new movies from cleaner originals.
I’ve only been meaning to post these for years.
Tags: movies, software, space rogues
… I feel bad for elfie…
Not too worried 🙂
John Franklin assured me that elfie could handle the load, and that it was okay for me to post these. Of course, if they cause trouble, I’ll pull them immediately.
Heck, I’d be pleased to discover than anybody at all bothered to download and watch them 🙂
i’ll have to remember to DL this when i get home 🙂
Cool… screen grab with me in it! 🙂
… though the reflection on the chair is doing something bizaare to my nose…..
Obviously won’t be able to download this one, though. eh dialup no good. I don’t think the IT guy at work would be very happy with me if I used the T1, either….
Now, if someone could figure out a way to fiddle with the reflections off the the backdrop so that they don’t look like mini-blinds…