My body needs a better firewall

Yesterday started good. I didn’t feel well when I got up in the morning, but I never feel well if I get up before 10am, so I didn’t think twice about it. In the first half of my work day, I completed the resurrection of a dead Titanium PowerBook with a broken hinge and sheared display wires, which was nice bit of ego-boost.

By lunchtime, I realized that my throat was super sore, and I was pretty dehydrated. I took a break and went to the tiny pharmacy a couple doors down, and came back to work. My nose had started running too, so I grabbed some tissues.

By mid-afternoon, there was no doubt that I was sick. I was coughing, blowing my nose, had a nice headache and serious nausea. Throw in some light-headedness and chills, and you know I was really enjoying myself by that time. I had to reassemble an iBook in that condition, too, which as I’ve mentioned has 50 screws in about 10 different sizes. Literally. I figure it was sinus brought on mostly by over-exerting myself over the weekend and the crappy weather on Saturday.

Finally, work was over, but there was an event I had to attend yesterday evening, to insure I’d be properly prepared for something else happening Saturday. I’d have blown it off, but that would have screwed up the next month’s worth of planning. Only problem? No one had sent me directions yet.

I drove to two places where this group had met before, but they weren’t at either place. In desperation, I did my first bit of intentional wardriving: cruising slowly around the residential neighborhood seeing if my iPaq would pick up an open wireless access point. I actually found one, and confirmed that no one had sent me e-mail, so I gave up and headed home.

The good side of that was that I really shouldn’t have been around all those other people when I was sick, and I was able to head to bed early. On top of that, I got home in time to catch a phone call from raininva before I dropped off, and we talked for a good long time, which cheered me up a lot. On the other hand, my upcoming plans are trashed.

I’m still not well, but I’m better than I was yesterday. I can function, and my throat and stomach are mostly okay. If my nose and head would follow suit, I’d be fine. I might even go down to see Tom at the pub tonight.


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