Uncomfortably numb

I was right to be worried yesterday. I had a slightly rough day at work – nothing that wasn’t handled by the end of the day, but it was a little draining. As I headed home, I felt worse and worse despite efforts to center and clear my head, and by the end of dinner, I needed to lie down for a bit. The bit lasted the rest of the night, as it turned out I had a fever, sore throat, and nausea.

Feeling a little better this morning; I think I kicked it. Didn’t help that it was a chilly morn in Norfolk today: the car heater has been turned on for the first time this fall. We have separate thermostats for hot and cold air, so I think we’ll be planning to re-balance them soon.

I did miss the Enterprise premiere Friday, we had other things to do and I’m not going to let TV programming run my life. I suppose the people at UPN assume that their target audience all have TiVos. πŸ™‚

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  • eeedge says:

    I have TiVo, and I’m afraid I took Enterprise off my list. It was just so awful last season that I couldn’t spend the 42 minutes on it. Which makes me sad because the series started out so very well.

  • jsciv says:

    What? You don’t have TiVo (or Replay)? What kind of a geek are you??? πŸ™‚ Once you’ve recovered from moving costs, take some of those mad WARS dollars and put ’em into a DVR! You’ll never go back! πŸ™‚

    (okay, geek rant done)

  • Mikhail says:

    *sob* I know, I’m losing geek cred by admitting this *sniff*

    A DVR has been on our RealSoonNow list for a while. It’s been displaced for the moment by a washer/dryer set, but we usually try to be nice to ourselves come the holidays πŸ™‚

  • Mikhail says:

    The last half of the last season seemed to really pick up – I didn’t watch much of the first half either. They left on a cliffhanger, though, and I want to know what happened πŸ™‚

    There is some new blood at Enterprise, responsible from some of the high points of Season 3, so they’re getting one more chance from me. The consensus seems to be that, after Enterprise ends (however it does), the franchise could use a rest and a chance to regroup. Whether the money-grubbers at Paramount will allow that is another story.

  • jsciv says:

    That’s okay. Given all of your other geeky tendencies (including a wonderfully geeky job), you have cred to spare. Just don’t let it become a habit. πŸ™‚

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