Why is a raven like a writing desk?

It’s the return of the interview meme, with the following rules:

1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, your favorite kind of sandwich, or maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in your own post.
5. When others respond with a desultory comment, you will ask them five questions.

Questions posed by fishy1 :

1) Is there such a thing as a bicycle built for three?

According to PrecisionTandems.com, there is. “Two wheels – three riders – one vehicle!”

2) Where does your LJ name come from?

It has a three-part origin: In the Starfleet-VTSFFC years of the late 80s, there were lots of ‘Michaels’ around. Many of them got nicknames, such as “Fang” or “Bard”; Ken Wright of the Yeager tagged me with “Mikhail”. After my car accident, I started using “Mikhail Borg” in fannish circles as a coping mechanism against the personal squick that I’d become part-metal. Later, when I signed up for my now-dead AOL account, usernames were limited to 10 characters… thus, “mikailborg”.

3) Little Debbie or Hostess?

Little Debbie “Nutty Bars”, absolutely, though Hostess “Zingers” have sufficed in an emergency.

4) Would you rather cross the ocean in a zeppelin or a ship?

Either would be fun, but a zeppelin would be better. I love flying, and I’m sure it would be a rare, memorable experience. Helium instead of hydrogen, please.

5) Do you think you will help other people tear down their walls once you get used to the absence of yours?

That’s a great question, and it’s a direction I’d love to explore. I feel that if I could spare other people some of the useless grief my walls have caused me over the years, I’d be making a real contribution to the world.

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  • jazzfish says:

    and dance the edge of sanity i’ve never been so close

  • meiran says:

    I’m really partial to trivial pursuit myself.

  • Mikhail says:

    1) You’re rolling up a brand-new WoW character. What race and class?

    2) What food comforts you most through really lousy days?

    3) Describe the convention costume you’d most like to do.

    4) Which author gives you the most sattsfaction to read?

    5) You have $50 million to remake any movie you wish, as director. You must work within the Hollywood system, for a major studio. Which movie do you choose?

  • Mikhail says:

    I keep picturing you playing a sax. Can you actually play any instrument?

    You’re part of my “gamers” circle, yet I can’t recall you expressing interest in any of the MMORPGs – only the kinds of games that demand warm bodies in the same room. What keeps you away?

    What kind of pizza is ‘just right’?

    Are you pleased with the current status of the poly aspect of your life?

    Tell me about a book you think everyone should read.

  • gryphynkit says:

    Merrily We Roll Along is a wonderful musical, so much to think about…:laughing:

  • Mikhail says:

    The first time I remember seeing you, you were wearing an orange aerospace jumpsuit at a Lynchburg Starfleet meeting. What would you say has been the most positive change in your life since that legendary time?

    What would be the single most useful tool to you right now to enhance your creative output?

    We’re old-school Trekkers, you and I. How do you feel about the return to Classic-era Trek for the new movie?

    You mentioned divesting yourself of most of your click-base. What of your older gaming material would you love to dust off first if you found the players?

    You’ve won a trip to any 2008 convention in the world. Travel, food, lodging, registration, and any event fees are covered. Which con are you going to?

  • fishy1 says:

    i like monkeys…

  • Mikhail says:

    You mention astronomy as an interest. Do you own a telescope? If so, what kind (or alternately, what kind would you buy for a reasonable sum)?

    Are you still reading the Pern novels? Do you enjoy the later ones?

    Are you happy with the current status of the poly side of your life?

    What activity are you most looking forward to at Dragon*Con?

    Recommend to me your favorite computer game – old or new, any platform. (There are ways of dealing with that issue.)

  • Mikhail says:

    Sorry this took so long… I had a recurring attack of the brain weasels all last week.

    I can only recall seeing you wear glasses. Ever considered contacts?

    You did a good job with the TCon ‘adult’ panels. (I even made a ‘friend’ at one.) What would you change if they were again your responsibility next year?

    I know nothing about transhumanism. Tell me briefly about it in your words.

    (Every poly person’s getting this one!)
    Are you pleased with the current status of the poly aspect of your life?

    I always need more to read. Recommend to me your favorite steampunk-themed book.

  • fishy1 says:

    brain weasels = teh suck. i trust you are recovering?
    will work on these and post in the next few days.

  • Mikhail says:

    The odd thing is that when I’m that badly depressed, it’s not a gradual tail-off. I literally just ‘snap out of it’ at some point, and then I’m fine. Even bouncy.

    But thanks for the good thoughts!

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