Visited By An Old Friend

My old Trek fanfic character, the one in this usericon, started as Chief Navigator on the USS Heimdal, and eventually worked his way up the ranks to Captain of the USS Yeager. “Grin’elle Kriet” was half-human, half-alien, and spent most of his Starfleet career as a Chief Engineer.

Grin’s dark secret? He was also an exiled quasi-Time Lord from the Doctor Who universe. (The concept worked better in the fic than it does in this paragraph.) He and I haven’t spoken as author and character for many years; I wrapped up all the important bits of his story arc back in the Nineties. Grin helped me begin working out some personal issues, for which I’ll always appreciate him.

Without warning, Grin’elle woke up last night, after I’d wrapped up watching “Forest of the Dead”. The conversation, expanded into English sentences, went something like this:

Hey… hey, I just heard something I don’t know if I believe. Are all the Time Lords dead? Is Gallifrey gone?

“What? Oh… er, yes, apparently so. They were all destroyed in a Time War with the Daleks… The Doctor was the only survivor. Except a few Daleks, and the Master. But he’s dead now too, as near as we can tell.”

Holy… are you kidding? I lived there for decades… I had roots there.

“You hated them. They were embarrassed by you.”

Not all of them.

“You left their universe, left it for good. Heck, you’ve set up shop in a third one for the time being.”

I know. They show Who here. Just like Trek, I make sure never to catch an episode.

“So, what do you care?”

… I’m not really sure. I’ll have to get back to you on that.

… and then he was gone, and I was left wondering where the hell all that had come from.

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  • ranchonmars says:

    Kayleigh went away for a few years, then came back, and hasn’t left me alone since. (I even use her name as my online name, a choice I now regret since anything I write for her looks like a major Mary Sue.) She’s generally in denial about the entire Trek years, but in her charmingly grumpy way, is grunting some sort of greeting to Grin’elle. Personally, I say it’s good to see him pop up again. :>

  • My characters do that as well. Mostly the screaming Mary Sues who’ve grown up, though. Sailor Moon and Power Rangers, lately.

    At least yours sounds stable.

  • rattrap says:

    My dear, go here:

    and come back here and say that…

  • madwriter says:

    After writing a few books you’ll realize this isn’t all that unusual. When I was plotting out The Course of Heaven I would get occasional visits from Claudius Caesar. He was just as interested in griping about Agrippina and Nero as he was discussing plot details, though.

  • Mikhail says:

    Hmmm, I’m trying to decide whether Grin would be offended by that or agree completely 🙂

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