The Spirit of Getting Your Tail Kicked

Players who participate in WoW Battlegrounds from the 8th to the 24th get a Competitor’s Tabard with 4 linked colored rings. What could that refer to? Battleground winners *may* get a gold medal summoning a special dragon pet.

So, I jumped into my first PvP Battleground ever today: “Warsong Gulch”, a capture-the-flag competition. Great Cthulhu, but that was lame. I see the enemy, and I’m preparing a spell – oh, I can’t move while casting, and they’ve run off. Okay, another enemy, and I’m using my lower-damage instant spell – oh, their warlock has “feared” me, and I will now run in circles while they zap me dead. Okay, I’m back, and I’ve infiltrated their base… oh, wait, the enemy Priest just killed me with a single instant spell. Yes, that’s right, their Healer class one-shotted me.

Hmm, three captures for the Horde, and they’ve won. How many did we have? Oh. None at all.

I have the tabard. I’ve lost interest in the pet.



  • fuzzface00 says:

    The pet is cute, to be sure.

    Warsong Gulch is not my favorite Battlefield. I would suggest Arathi Basin or Eye of the Storm. They both have some strategy to them. Alderac Valley usually turns into a mob scene.

  • shrewlet says:

    I wouldn’t recommend EoTS if you didn’t care for WSG. EoTS is a combination of Arathi basin and Wsg. While there is a strat, try to capture towers (4) and hold them, THEN capture the flag in the middle, it seemed to me that more people were interested in capturing the flag versus holding the bases. I like Alterac Valley, cause its a race to see who can capture various towers, graveyards and finally killing the base commander before the horde kills ours.

    But that’s just me.

  • Mikhail says:

    I may try Arathi Basin, perhaps. I’m not looking for a career, I just want the pet πŸ™‚

    What got me is how utterly useless I felt. I couldn’t think of a reason to be there besides the seasonal incentive.

    If I remember correctly, though, it’s possible to get a cool mount if I stick it out through enough losses. Maybe I’ll go there.

  • Mikhail says:

    So, AB is Fuzz’ recommendation, and AV is yours. Appreciated – we’ll see if I can work up the urge again! πŸ™‚

  • shrewlet says:

    To get a mount from doing the BGs, you need 30 tokens each from WSG, AV and AB.

    If you want to do AB, let me know, I need the tokens myself and points to obtain another piece of resistance gear. We can group up and then join AB, we not get into the same group once we are inside the raid, but we will be in the same raid. I can stick with you and try to keep you healed while you are doing damage. I think my resistance is at 230, which is far cry from the “professionals”, but I get by. Just let me know when you want to run AB.

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