Tetris Achievement

Nice, nagging back pain today, the result of moving boxes. I’m packing everything into those folding white “banker’s boxes” so that they’ll fit easier in the cars, and so there will be more of them safe for me to lift; but it doesn’t mean my body’s used to it, oh no. The funny thing’s that I didn’t do any lifting at all yesterday, because I was simply out of energy. Why does my body keep waiting 24 hours to start announcing muscle pain?

Also, sore throat. Yay weather changes.

Starr and I continued to run around Azeroth for a while last night hitting the candy buckets at the inns. I have the feeling we’ll be spending more time before the expansion collecting Achievements than attempting to level, which is absolutely fine with me. The more ‘ways to play the game’ Blizzard can add, the happier I’ll be to keep forking over my subscription, especially since I’ve never exactly been a speed leveler, and just am not really sold yet on the whole raiding thing.

After I went to bed, Starr got recruited by a group shooting for the Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy! Achievement. Seems it didn’t work out; but I’d have been mightily amused if it had.

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  • shrewlet says:

    what works well for that achievement, is to have a rogue with you. Have the rogue stealth in an release all the eggs, he/she won’t aggro because they are stealth. Once all the eggs are released, aggro pull the entire room and then AoE the entire group. you will receive your point.

    That’s how our group did it. Hope that helps.


  • fuzzface00 says:

    Somehow you would think there would be an Achievement for not being a successful patron of the Ghod of Leeeeeroy.

    How tragic is it that the current Achievement I am working for has a reward of…

    A pet skunk.

  • Mikhail says:

    Oh, if that’s the one I’m thinking of, we’re working on that too. Starr has a list of where we can find all the critters in question. But we’re concentrating on Hallow’s End Achievements since we are very casual players, and those are time-critical.

  • Mikhail says:

    Do they release them just by passing them? Because I always thought that if you had to click the gear cursor, that broke stealth.

    Not that I know, my Rogue is lvl 22 or so right now 🙂

  • fuzzface00 says:

    You might find some help at WarcraftPets.Com in the search for Le Skunk. If nothing else, you may find that waiting for WotLK might be easier than grinding or trading for some pets.

    I’ve managed to chase down a good chunk of the Hallow’s Eve madness, but I have to admit that I have had little success getting with a group and going after the HH except for one disastrous attempt.

  • shrewlet says:

    I believe they have an ability that prevents that. I would think it would almost be like Sap, they can sap a target and still remain in stealth.

    I’ll check with my rogue buddies and get back to ya.

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