Dongle is fun to say
The other day, I found the serial port dongle for the Newton, which I figured I’d keep around just in case one of the special keyboards popped up cheap on eBay. Then today, while unpacking… I discovered that I already HAD one of those keyboards, and somehow never even knew it.
trenn and I used to joke that the federal government had hidden the Ark of the Covenant in a cardboard box in his living room, it being less likely to be found there than in Warehouse 23. But now I’m actually finding undiscovered technology in my stuff. Any chance that there’s a brand-new desktop Mac stashed anywhere in there?
(Oh, and of course after I discovered the keyboard, it took me another 45 minutes to re-find the serial port dongle. Working great, though!)
Gotta love this image:

I know – technology marches on, right?
Though, I’d love an iPhone with the form factor of the Newton. Too big for a pocket, yes, but great for reading digital books, blogging, playing games, watching video, etc.
There are rumors of such an item, but Apple rumors range from spot-on to insanely incorrect, and the company keeps fooling critical thinkers about which ones are which.
Dongle is one of my favorite words.
“Don’t forget to grab the Rock Band guitar dongle to bring to Lisa’s.”