Look who blew into town

Our Shadowrun Game Night rolled around last night. We’d missed the last few due to various logistical issues, but finally we had everyone except Lewis and Amy. So what did we do? Spent the evening catching up with each other.

Heh. Can’t say I minded too much. It’s good to hang with one’s friends for whatever reason.

Of course, the tornado warning last night added a little drama – apparently the center of the ‘red zone’ passed right by Jesse’s house. no damage done, though, and she was able to relax a bit after the worst passed.

Well, we’ll just have to get together again in two weeks!

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  • lewisw says:

    Sorry I missed the game. Got into a ‘spring cleaning’ frenzy. Combine that with my no firm schedule lifestyle and next thing I knew it was after 8pm. Add to all that Red Sox at the Yankees (1st game against them in their new stadium) and its all a recipe for disaster.

  • lewisw says:

    Sorry I missed the game. Got into a ‘spring cleaning’ frenzy. Combine that with my no firm schedule lifestyle and next thing I knew it was after 8pm. Add to all that Red Sox at the Yankees (1st game against them in their new stadium) and its all a recipe for disaster.

  • lewisw says:

    Sorry I missed the game. Got into a ‘spring cleaning’ frenzy. Combine that with my no firm schedule lifestyle and next thing I knew it was after 8pm. Add to all that Red Sox at the Yankees (1st game against them in their new stadium) and its all a recipe for disaster.

  • lewisw says:

    Sorry I missed the game. Got into a ‘spring cleaning’ frenzy. Combine that with my no firm schedule lifestyle and next thing I knew it was after 8pm. Add to all that Red Sox at the Yankees (1st game against them in their new stadium) and its all a recipe for disaster.

  • lewisw says:

    Sorry I missed the game. Got into a ‘spring cleaning’ frenzy. Combine that with my no firm schedule lifestyle and next thing I knew it was after 8pm. Add to all that Red Sox at the Yankees (1st game against them in their new stadium) and its all a recipe for disaster.

  • lewisw says:

    Sorry I missed the game. Got into a ‘spring cleaning’ frenzy. Combine that with my no firm schedule lifestyle and next thing I knew it was after 8pm. Add to all that Red Sox at the Yankees (1st game against them in their new stadium) and its all a recipe for disaster.

  • lewisw says:

    Sorry I missed the game. Got into a ‘spring cleaning’ frenzy. Combine that with my no firm schedule lifestyle and next thing I knew it was after 8pm. Add to all that Red Sox at the Yankees (1st game against them in their new stadium) and its all a recipe for disaster.

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