February: A Con Odyssey
Just did Farpoint in Baltimore, and MystiCon in Roanoke back to back. Both cons are five hours away from my home. Pro tip: don’t do this.
Farpoint was the second stop for Luna-C, so as usual I spent most of the weekend preparing for the performance in one way or another. Of course, I simultaneously love live performing from the depths of my soul and it triggers my anxieties as only a job interview can, so it’s both relief and regret when the show is done. Regret must win, though, since I’m always eager for the next show. We premiered my “Lonely Villain” skit which I think is quite funny; and I got to play Scotty again, which has been one of my lifelong dreams.
- The Master gloats at the Doctor in a Farpoint 2013 Luna-C skit.
- Sherlock Holmes goes undercover in a Farpoint 2013 Luna-C skit.
- Kirk, Scotty, and Spock try to fix HAL-2000 in a Farpoint 2013 Luna-C skit.
- Latiss and Kro-Bar from the science fiction classic, “The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra”
- “Dear Princess Celestia: Today I learned that I truly can rock a beard and a PVC minidress. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.”
- Science-fiction fans are perfectly normal. Twilight Sparkle, Klingon Stormtroopers, and Colonial Warriors.
- Twilight Sparkle and Paulette Guillory-Gardner as a Starfleet officer.
- Cynical Woman poses with a crocheted zombie gnome.
I also premiered the My Little Pony “Twilight Sparkle” costume at Farpoint, and I must say it was a pretty big hit. I’ve known since the fandom took off that I would need an MLP costume before long, so of course I had to do it in my own special fashion.
A week later, I was my girlfriend Maya’s guest at MystiCon in Roanoke, where I got to see a bunch of friend from SW Virginian fandom who I hadn’t seen in years. I’d missed them all, so this was a special treat for me. Of course I brought Twilight Sparkle along, and she was an even bigger hit there there than she’d been at Farpoint. Oh, and did I mention I got my picture taken with Fifth Doctor Peter Davison? No? Well, I did! Definitely an item to check off the “bucket list”.
- A bemused “Fifth Doctor” Peter Davison and his pizza pose with Twilight Sparkle at MystiCon 2013.
- The Fox clan and friend poses at MystiCon 2013: Paula, Bethany, Meche, and Bert.
- Twilight Sparkle and Korra learn to Friendship-Bend together at MystiCon 2013!
- A nice Eleventh Doctor cosplay group at MystiCon 2013: Amy, Eleven, and Oswin.
- Twilight Sparkle and a Steampunk Dalek. Yes, we must be at a con. (MystiCon 2013)
- Maya tries on the Twilight Sparkle wig at MystiCon 2013.
- Pony meetup! Derpy, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle at MystiCon 2013.
- A packed house for Peter Davison at MystiCon 2013. The hotel filled to capacity that weekend.
So, that is my Con Odyssey for February, and I’m pooped, and I’m going to try to avoid back-to-back events in the future. Hah.
Tags: conventions, costuming, doctor who, fandom, friends, humor, luna-c, music, my little pony, sherlock, star trek, travel
I must say, I was quite sad that you did not wear the Twilight Sparkle cosplay another day because, truth be told, that was my Star Sapphire jacket day. Friday and Sunday I actually had my Pinkie Pie attire on! I had sewn a fleece beanie and tail as well as wore a pale pink velour workout suit — the works! Next year, man. We must join forces for a retake in true pony form! I will try and locate one of my costume photos — I know it was hard to circulate around everyone — so much going on! MystiCon was a blast.
You look amazing, I wish I had seen you in person for a photo!
I didn’t get to wear the Twilight Sparkle very long on Saturday, because my friends wanted to go out and get something to eat, and I don’t think that Macados was ready for my costume!
I would definitely love a chance for a retake. I might even have a better wig next year!
MystiCon was great indeed 🙂