Scary scary danger danger Dance! Dance!
My personal indulgence for August arrived: a model kit of the “Lovely Angel” and its infamous crew! It’s not even expensive, though shipping is killer. I’ve wanted to build the ship of the “Dirty Pair” since the late 80s, and this new release is the first kit of it I’ve ever seen.
“Am I Being Mocked Somehow?”
Willow is not sure about this whole “cat video game” thing; no sir, no sir. (I beat the chase scene this time, since I had a clear head, then I saved because I didn’t want to keep going until Maya got home.)
Sing Along With The Dirty Pair
Many years ago, I took the lyrics from the opening to the 1985 “Dirty Pair” TV series and wrote them into singable English. I recently unearthed and polished them; but given the song’s title, I’ve been waiting to post them for a time when a mass shooting wasn’t a top story in the American news. Included is a video link so you can sing along
“Russian Roulette” Dirty Pair series OP
Ro-ro-ro-ro-ro – roshi – Rus-si-an!
Come tonight to my casino and I’ll show you a game
It’s a different kind of gamble and the play isn’t tame
Thrill of danger, thrill of vic’try and I’ll make you glad you came, oh baby
You can’t give up your need to feel that ecs-ta-cy…
Rus-si-an! Russian Roulette!
Open up the bank of your heart, buy your chips place your bet!
With a dully shining magnum and an aim that is true
I’m a nervous elfin maiden and my target is you
I’ll take every chance I must until I win what is my due, oh baby
My love is dangerous, it’s Rus-si-an Roulette!
Scary scary danger danger Dance! Dance!
Giddy giddy eager eager Chance! Chance!
Scary scary danger danger Dance! Dance!
Giddy giddy eager eager Chance! Chance!
Ready or not, here I come…
Scary scary danger danger Dance! Dance!
Giddy giddy eager eager Chance! Chance!
Scary scary danger danger Dance! Dance!
Giddy giddy eager eager Chance! Chance!
Hiss of the Catgirls
A sneak preview! Pre-production on Star Wars: Episode XIII, due out in summer 2038. So happy to have been involved! May the Fourth Be With You!
I’m A Real Cosplayer
This is how you can tell: here’s all the bits I still have to attach to tomorrow’s outfit…
These Are The Voyages of the Sharkship Sarko
My friend Steven has been dealing with a LOT lately. Since he loves sharks, ST: Voyager, and Esperanto, I made him a little something on the 3D printer to remind him how much he is loved. (Shark with warp drive and dedication plaque full of in-jokes created in Blender.)
Ukraine: A Very Hard Stare
Ukraine: A Very Hard Stare, drawn by John Kovalic with color assist by Lar DeSouza. All profits from sales of this print will be donated to World Central Kitchen, in support of their efforts on the Ukrainian border to feed refuges. 4×6, 8×12 and 12×18 print sizes available AND a 5 card bundle of 4×6 postcard appropriate prints. Hand signed versions available.
4×6 versions available in separate listing at
Stop Being Awful
This blog supports Trans Rights and Ukrainian Rights – two cases of people who ask little more than to be left alone by idiots.
Figures built in Hero Forge,
“Slowly, slowly! It’s too nice a job to rush.”
Just started a 3D print job that runs nearly the printer’s maximum height. Estimated time to completion: 16 hours 21 minutes.
Yes, the perfect hobby for “No-Patience Catbunny” here…
A Rare Specimen
So I’ve been having this problem: I print projects but am reluctant to assemble and paint them because I’m afraid to eff them up. So last night I started AND FINISHED an Animal Crossing fossil as a surprise for Maya. Still needs a top coat, but I like!