Null Station Chronicles title test

A special treat for anyone who follows this blog: the new opening titles for the video version of the podcast, before even the podcast subscribers learn about it!

Catgirl of Battle Gaming Mini!

I have finally painted one of my custom-designed and 3D-printed Catgirl of Battle parody Warhammer 40K figures. Maybe I’ll actually manage a five-woman squad before Christmas LOL. I’m actually super-pleased with how she turned out, she exceeded my expectations!

The figure is based on a HeroForge body, is wearing shoulder armor scaled down from a full-size pattern, a modded power unit based on Games Workshop designs, and carries a singularity (power) sword modeled by me in Blender after a full-size prop. Can’t wait to work on the next one!

In the latest edition of Warhammer 40K, the depicted Catgirl of Battle counts as a Battle Sisters Sister Superior with a Boltgun and a Power Weapon. In Grimdark Future, the depicted Catgirl of Battle counts as a Battle Sister with an Assault Rifle and an Energy Sword.

Wrestling With Chaos

I did the unthinkable today and tidied up my craft table before taking a dinner break. Usually I have to leave in a hurry because there’s a problem in another room, and I don’t get back for an hour or 20. This is nice!

Having multiple projects going at once actually helps when I get blocked on something or need to wait for a coat of paint to dry. Now, if I can just finish a few…

PARANOIA Miniatures

I may never run another game – I’m not sure the humor holds up in 2024 – but if I do, I’m pleased with these PARANOIA Troubleshooter minis I created in HeroForge. Might just order the STLs and print them in case.

Figure painting progress

Painting a 3D-printed figure and I think I actually got the face right! This is Lisa, from Stjepan Šeji?’s “Sunstone” comic. While she’s technically clothed, it’s a provocative outfit, thus the edit. Still some touch-up to do here and there, but I’m taking a break for the night.

Voidknife Schematic Wallpaper

I needed new desktop wallpaper. This is a 3D rendering of Captain Shadow’s ship “Voidknife” as it has appeared in recent seasons of the video series. Of course, the show’s been on hold since Managlitch City and the planet Neimma became Clouded, but there’s always hope.

Weapons Test

More 3D printing! This is a scene from one of my short comedy films in which intergalactic bounty hunter Sammie Eden is helping test some dubious “armor” against even more dubious “weapons”. The Diorama was a present for the actress. The pieces are kit-bashed from all kinds of sources, and often heavily modified by me in the Blender software.

Pirate Pistol Prop Printed Parts

Prop-in-progress: flintlock pistol for Barb’s pirate costume. Work laptop and home laptop provided for scale.

The prop that killed my resin 3D printer! Not really, I had just been using the printer non-stop since I got it as a late Xmas present and I think I just wore it out. Once the bad part was replaced, I finally finished re-printing the middle section with the trigger and flintlock, and today found the moxie to sand down all the square joints so they would fit snugly into their sockets – I don’t want this falling apart!

Now that the epoxy is drying, the next step is of course filling the seams, which won’t be too bad. The seams on each side of the lock are nice and square, but the one at the front of the barrel is a little uneven. Then a primer coat, and off if goes to Barb for her own custom paint job!!

Scary scary danger danger Dance! Dance!

My personal indulgence for August arrived: a model kit of the “Lovely Angel” and its infamous crew! It’s not even expensive, though shipping is killer. I’ve wanted to build the ship of the “Dirty Pair” since the late 80s, and this new release is the first kit of it I’ve ever seen.

I’m A Real Cosplayer

This is how you can tell: here’s all the bits I still have to attach to tomorrow’s outfit…

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