Weekend on Mars

Started off the weekend with a fever on Friday, caused probably by having to run around in the cold cold rain on Thursday. But I medicated the heck out of myself, and was well enough to travel with Starr to Williamsburg on Friday for MarsCon.

Most conventions are, for me, opportunities to socialize with friends I don’t often get to see. southernsinger, kittykatya, impink, geckoman, and stori_lundi were all there, as well as folks I get to see a little more often such as ptownhiker, fixitup, and torn757. Got to spend some quality time with Jesse and Dwight too!

Convention loot: a Devil’s Panties graphic novel (Jennie Breeden remembered me from Dragon*Con), character sketches from an artist in the dealer’s room, a Carcassonne expansion and an book of Paranoia XP modules, two White Plectrum CDs and a Coyote Run CD, some erotica from Helen Madden‘s table, and a couple of buttons. After spending the weekend avoiding the purchase of T-shirts, Starr and I were handed free ones by a local game store – now I have to get rid of more old ones to make space!

Next year, the con is supposed to move to a bigger location, and it really needs the space. MarsCon completely overflowed its host hotel, which is a shame, as I think it’s a nice place to hold the weekend. I got to hear some other VA con politics I didn’t want to hear about, but that’s the down side of having friends who are so heavily involved in things.

Speaking of being involved, this was the first time I can recall having my con badge paid for as a “Guest” presenter. I have to say I found it very cool, though somehow I had always imagined it would be for my Great American Science Fiction Novel. Still, the panels (which I talk a bit more about in the Lifestyle filter) were great fun, and I can’t wait to do them again next year.

We’d really intended to stay longer on Sunday, but despite finally getting the MarsCon Charity Chair Massage I’d been wanting to try for years, we had a bad case of burnout. Excitement, dancing, endorphins, and little sleep all hit at once, and Starr and I headed home around 1:30 to veg for the rest of the day. Still haven’t quite come down though. How long ’till T-Con?

Oh, by the way, for people who didn’t go see Cloverfield, or restrained themselves from visiting YouTube this weekend, here’s the new Trek movie trailer. Total geekgasm.

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Tweets for Today

  • 18:36 Got home from MarsCon. Very buzzed-happy… and very sleepy. We’re going to play some WoW to wind down. #

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You know I have to post this

J.J. Adams builds his Enterprise

I was figuring that J.J. Abrams’ Enterprise might look like almost anything, but it seems here that he’s sticking fairly close to the Original Series look… with a touch of Movie Era thrown in for that big-screen feel. It’s as if he knew exactly what would get him the most points from me. (You can click the pic to embiggen.)

Also, the cast photos from the same AOL site show the casting for Christopher Pike, and George and Winona Kirk. While the producers of this film claim not to be hardcore Trekkers, it looks like they care enough to go do a bit of research.

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Brain in the high-tech gutter

Really. The model on the new Microsoft Mactopia page looks like she wants to charge me $2.95 a minute for something, and it ain’t tech support. Are they diversifying now that Bill’s leaving?

Rough night last night. Starr was quite ill with food poisoning all day and night, and I was way overdue on laundry even without the upcoming con to consider. Did get three loads done, including the kilt, and I think she mostly forgave me for my unskilled nursing attempts. We had no trouble conking out when bedtime rolled around. I swear, at this point I’m considering afternoon naps for the weekend.

Speaking of MarsCon, a preliminary schedule‘s up. At least I hope it’s preliminary. Not only is everything I wish to attend scheduled directly against something else I wish to attend, but there is one timeslot where it appears the webcomics guests will need to be in two places at once.

Tonight: more laundry, packing, and cleaning out the car.

Crawling From the Covers

Woke up this morning feeling old, tired, and defeated (and obviously quite sorry for myself).

Happily, that cloud has receded and I’m feeling almost human now. And I haven’t even had any caffeine yet today!

On the other hand, that means now I have to face the lengthy list of things I have to do today for work, home, and the upcoming con. But at least now I can look them all in the eye and feel a bit confident. That’s really the biggest part of my efforts to retrain myself over the last year or so… replacing “I can’t do this” with “let’s give it a try”.

I was practically manic at the beginning of this week. I like the feeling, because in that mode I figure I can do absolutely anything, and I indeed tend to get a few thigns accomplished. The only downside is the slew of unwise decisions I start making until I crash out of it, or someone points out reality to me.

Really, a middle road would work much better. I need the set of Google Maps for my psyche. (Hmm… “Here there be dragons?”)

Tweets for Today

  • 09:17 Memo to me… you will need clean laundry for MarsCon, including any costumes you plan to wear. #
  • 10:03 No “Star Trek Online” MMORPG from Perpetual Entertainment. I wish I could say I was surprised. #
  • 11:47 Half the office here eagerly awaits the Stevenote and the list of Apple toys we’ll be drooling over in 2008. #

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Martian Con Machines

I had every intention of heading over to the MarsCon Badge Assembly Party last night, but the world caught up with me and I ended up insensate on the couch for most of the evening, with both knees screaming of inflammation. It was something like a milder version of the saying “A sucking chest wound is life’s way of telling you to slow down a bit.”

If I don’t take it a bit easy this week, there will be little point in going at all; MarsCon is not the sort of SF convention where one wants to hit their energy limits at 9:30pm. I’m still kind of annoyed with myself for conking out at 1:30 at New Year’s.

Happily, I found geckoman and big_danny_t at the concert on Sunday, and learned that Gecko is chairing next year. He has some great plans for the con – I hope that even a few of them work out.

In unrelated trivia, I heard this morning about a funeral parlour which is making plans to warm the building with the waste heat produced by the crematorium. I was immediately reminded of the Fremen of Dune, who are driven to such severe water-conservation necessities that they extract the water from their dead to return to the public supply. I can’t seem to decide whether the parlour’s plan is logical or nauseating. (I suppose neither reaction is exclusive.)

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