Marscon and stuff

Got back from Marscon Sunday. It was an interesting weekend – all the rooms were taken over by a military group preparing for special training, so all the attendees had to drive back and forth to their hotels. Put a damper on things, that’s for sure. I wish I’d remembered that there would be a Rocky Horror show on Saturday night – maybe they’ll do it again next year.

Caught up with kittykatya, impink, tzel, Tom & Donna, Jesse, Suzanne, Dave & Jodi, Dwight, Helen, and a bunch of other folk. I got some cheap Discworld paperbacks, and another Steve Jackson card game; for $1, I also bought a memory – the two books of the 1978 D&D Basic set (4th or 5th printing). We also got some Deadlands modules, and raininva won an auction for a signed uncut sheet of WARS: Nowhere to Hide!

Screen-capture trivia: the men’s miniskirt Starfleet uniform from the early Season One episodes of TNG. Strange that this didn’t catch on. I mean, can’t you just see Worf running around in it?

There was something else on my mind, but it’s gone now.

Continuing the saga of the books I’ve read this year – just finished a re-read of Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy. I have to give Asimov credit for, in the space of a few short stories, giving me the feel of observing the fall of a Galactic Empire.

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  • I have to remember to get even with you for that image! Oy!

  • jazzfish says:

    Foundation, Rouge, and Eyeliner

    The three-book division always seemed rather arbitrary to me; Bel Riose belongs with the first group of stories, and the Mule has nothing to do with the Empire. You’ve read them more recently than I have; would it have been better to split the trilogy in two instead of three? [Given that it was originally a bunch of short stories to start with.]

  • nviiibrown says:

    They seemed to be really reaching for uniform designs in those first seasons. Heck, Troi kept reaching for most of the series’ run.

  • Mikhail says:

    Never underestimate the power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker 🙂

  • Mikhail says:

    Re: Foundation, Rouge, and Eyeliner

    You make a good point, one made stronger by the fact that Second Foundation is actually two somewhat unrelated novellas. They probably just decided to make three books because it made the marketing easier.

    Hm. Two books would be pretty good, in fact. Book #1 to chronicle the rise of the First Foundation and the Traders as military and economic powers, and Book #2 to tell of the rise and fall of the Mule, and the Second Foundation’s attempts to recover. Too bad the publishers like trilogies.

  • Mikhail says:

    Yeah, they just couldn’t seemed to find something that looked good on her and that she looked comfortable wearing. DS9 managed much better.

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