Technicon 24 Friday

Here’s a little more detail on Technicon weekend, broken into three entries:

March 30th, 2007

I had played with the idea of getting an early start on Friday, but that turned out to be completely unrealistic. There was some household packing to do so that furniture could be moved over the weekend, and quite a bit of telephone-based red tape to handle. Suffice it to say that I didn’t get to leave the house until 2:00 p.m. 5 hours of drive meant I’d be late for the start of the con, but I’d make my 9:00 panels easily enough – or so I thought, until multiple accident scenes on I-64 cost me another 2 hours.

I didn’t race down I-81 like a maniac, that’s not my thing. But I didn’t let the speedometer needle see anything less than the speed limit, either; when I pulled up to the hotel, it was 9:00 exactly. Before I’d even acquired my con badge, shrewlet helped me check into the hotel, and vond shooed me off to my panels, where thankfully, author John Ringo was running over in quite entertaining fashion.

What with the past weeks of job changes and domicile changes, I hadn’t put the work into the panels I’d wished to: “I was not prepared!” (That’s a joke from the Burning Crusade cinematic intro.) But my excellent panel members saved my bacon, and I’m still pretty pleased with how everything went. I was up ’til around 2 in the morning, and crashed hard shortly after.

Once more, specific panelist thanks to: Mr. Ringo, tltrent, kittykatya, meiran, impink, tzel, kittenchan, rainbowsaber, shrewlet, Bert, and Meche; with show-and-tell backup from fishy1, dracoshen, platypusgirl, and krysturtle, among others I’m sure I’ve missed.


  • madwriter says:

    Hopefully next year I’ll be able to spend at least a little more than six hours at the con…

  • Mikhail says:

    Well, I’m also planning to do more traveling this year, so we may not have to wait that long to hang together!

  • krysturtle says:

    You’ll have to let us know if you plan on doing that fashion show for next year. That way we can prepare and plot for it. PVC is hard to sew and will take time to construct.

  • Mikhail says:

    If we do that fashion show (and I like the idea), we’ll encourage any outfit of any material that fits the Friday Night Track theme. Now, what outfit I might commission from you guys is another matter 🙂

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