Brief updates

  • 09:31 @meiran Awesome! Very well done! Are you going to shoot for “Elder” in the last couple days you have left? #
  • 09:44 A 32-degree morning seems much balmier compared to the 12-degree ones last week. #
  • 10:05 Dangit, I have just accidentally spammed Starr’s work address with the invite to the Shadowrun tonight. Hurr, me use computer good. #
  • 11:47 @meiran I picked up the coins for all of Kalimdor yesterday (not counting capital cities). The Horde outposts were a bit exciting 🙂 #
  • 12:01 I think the guy two people ahead of me in the lunch line was trying to pay in Euros or something. #
  • 13:15 Wish I could leave early. I still have dishes and laundry to put away before gaming. And the Xmas tree should come down someday too. #

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  • dont sweat the x-mas tree..

    but the ornaments away and decorate with dvertisements for presidents day..easily found in the newspaper….
    when tht is over you can strt hangin old egshels..yeah racked but hey, it decortive, on the tree for a spring/easter theme..
    when tht is done, push the entire mess out the bck door an into the comopst pile but then you will have gotten you oneys worth out of the dead tree!

  • Mikhail says:

    Re: dont sweat the x-mas tree..

    That’s an excellent idea! Plus, it’s an artificial tree (our decorating was a bit rushed this year) so I don’t even have to push it into the compost pile!

    *starts printing out little pictures of Lincoln* 🙂

  • Re: dont sweat the x-mas tree..

    um might might reconsider the compost pile if you dont rinse out the eggshells first.

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