Robotech Live-Action?

On the “Robotech” movie Tobey Maguire’s producing:

I would love to see a good Robotech movie. I don’t even mind if Maguire plays Rick Hunter – they could do worse.

Last I heard the property was in Licensing Rights Hell. I will believe this is actually in production when reliable on-set reports start filtering out.

I’m not worried about whether the script will be more faithful to Robotech or Macross. When the studio suits are done with it, it will more resemble the Go-Bots. “Geez, you idiot fanboys, it’s just a cartoon.” Otaku who thought that Peter Jackson was spawn of Satan will be utterly enraged, burning down message boards across the ‘Tubes.

Minmei will no longer be Chinese, or ethnic in any way. (Claudia Grant, either.) She will be played by some losing American Idol finalist who will produce a soundtrack album of mildly grating, forgettable songs; this will put her ahead of poor Reba West but still behind Mari Iijima.

The iconic VF-1 Valkyrie, one of the most believable and good-looking transforming mecha in anime history, will no longer strongly resemble an F-14 Tomcat; but be based off of an F-22 Raptor or some Wing Commander refugee, whose transformation sequence only works if you look at something else for several seconds in the middle. (“Hey, where’d Optimus Prime’s trailer go, anyway?”) The SDF-1 Macross will probably fare little better.

Finally, I’m sure I’ll see it at least twice and buy the DVD.

So who would you cast for the main characters? (I just had this mental picture of The Rock as Breetai, which horrified me initially, but is slowly growing on me.)

Clearly a 6-man raid

Playing around with the WoW Item Creator

Dragon Dagger

No, it’s not actually in the game. 🙂

Cat vs. Weasels

I spent a fair chunk of the weekend ‘suffering from brain weasels’ as they say… just listless, depressed, and grumpy. As near as I can tell, it wasn’t anyone’s fault, or due to anything going on around me – perhaps my body chemistry fell out of whack, I can’t tell. Last night, I consumed a fair amount of chocolate – it seemed to help.

After months of waiting for the money to be available, we have a new kitten! She’s 8 weeks old, and is a grey tabby we picked up at the local shelter. Her name is Midori, and she’s already fixed and microchipped – she goes in for her first vet visit (since moving in with us) on Thursday. She’s sweet, but full of mischief – in other words, perfectly normal.

I may have addicted ptownhiker to Guitar Hero II Saturday night. Heh, heh, heh. Now to spring Katamari Damacy on them!

Finally got your questions ready, fishy1. Sorry about the wait!

Radio Telescope Ga-Ga

I quote the Bad Astronomer, Phil Plait:

“Most people are surprised — I was when I first heard — that Brian May is actually a scientist. He had just started working on his PhD thesis when he got distracted by his guitar playing in some band or another. But he knew was gonna be a big man someday.”

His thesis is entitled Radial Velocities in the Zodiacal Dust Cloud, and it seems he now has his degree. I only hope the “Flight of the Hawkmen” theme played as he accepted the honors.

This is just… excellent.

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Throw open the switches on the static oscillator

In the Roanoke Valley, the sound of thunder bounces sharply from mountain to mountain. Here in Hampton Roads, the sound rolls over the water, producing a deep, extended timbre.

The demonstration nature provided last night certainly made me happy to be indoors. Lightning was flashing at least once every two seconds. It was like sitting under a sputtering neon sign. Thunder echoed almost continuously as the rain torrented down. Zap-zap-zap-zap-zap. I’ve never seen a fiercer storm.

We lost power three times, but each time it returned withing five minutes, which was a relief. I didn’t want to try to sleep through a humid 85-degree evening with no AC.

Calm, cooler, but still humid morning greeted me. I hate having to get up before dawn.

Information High

Questions from rattrap have activated the cloaking device

Interview With A Fanboy

Questions from jazzfish hidden from the casual reader

Dispatch From the Friends List Network

Interview questions from gryphynkit can be found by clicking here

The Sound of the Universe

I have all of Doctor Who season 3 on my Mac. I have most of it on the DVR. So it was about time for me to get around to finishing season 2.

The last four episodes restored my interest in the Tenth Doctor, and I’m looking forward now to seeing “Runaway Bride”. While I had nits to pick, these scripts really engaged me again, and I honestly think that this season’s two-part finale is stronger than season 1’s.

But I have to say that I’m pretty divided about episode ten. The episode was clearly about science-fiction fandom, and I understood all too clearly the points it was making from that angle. But the last bits with the guest lead and his grilfriend were wrong in so many ways… and I mean that seriously, not in that rueful fun manner.

Cut for spoilers and whining

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