This LiveJournal explains my Macintosh computing preference. Apparently I’m a “bottom” and didn’t even know it.
Choose your own “Magna Cum Laude” pun
How to get a college degree in Kinky Sex (not for the easily offended):
I find my lack of self convidence disturbing…
Since I’m feeling a bit like a lemming (as in, “c’mon, let’s all take another web test!”) tonight, I thought I’d work out and post my furry code here… but honestly, once I did it, I found that I just wasn’t comfortable revealing some of the personal info in it. Seems strange… maybe Mr. Exhibitionist is feeling shy tonight, I don’t know.
I know what it is, I just need food. Low blood sugar, no carbohydrates to speak of. Half a box of breakfast cereal would do the trick if I had any, but I’ll go see what else is in the pantry. I love the all-too-familiar headspace of having cabinets full of food and not being able to find stuff to eat.
I need to clear off more HD space for meiran tonight, too.
Extremely early thoughts on the T-Con beta schedule
Technicon starts a week from tomorrow, and they’ve posted an early version of the schedule. I do realize that con schedules are subject to complete revision until late Sunday afternoon, but I couldn’t help noticing a few things.
The first thing is that my sweetie and I are involved in one of the Live-Action Role Playing games, and that at least one (possibly both) of the games starts Friday night at 8:00. So we may miss meiran‘s Women in SF panel 🙁 I’ve enjoyed representing the Liberated Male there in the past, and I’d be sorry to miss this one.
Another scheduled LARP event (if it’s for the one I’m in) may cause me to miss the first half of the Amateur Film panel, which would be a shame. We don’t have a submission this year like we were going to, but it’s fun to see what others bring and comment on it.
(2 years ago: “Are you sure you want me as a panelist? I haven’t actually been involved in anything since Space Rogues – all I can talk about is the several projects I hope to start work on sometime soon.”
“Amateur shmamateur, that makes you a Hollywood professional!”)
The person I will be playing in the LARP is a major Russian political figure, I haven’t decided whether my accent should be “Boris Badenov” or Connery’s “Alexsandr Ramius” (i.e. Moscow by way of Scotland).
This year’s midnight discussions include the SW Virginia Spiritual Alliance (a pagan group), Polyamory 101, and a BDSM demonstration / panel. Who says science fiction fans never do anything but watch their Trek videos?
A Question of Identity (long-winded)
I’ve been looking at sites about gaming on the Macintosh, and read again an article I’d seen a few weeks ago. Seems that Mark Adams, a well-known Mac gaming figure who runs one of the major porting houses, publically announced New Year’s that she would now be known as Glenda Adams. Yes, she was remaining with her spouse Suellen; yes, she was having the medical therapy to adjust her body to her personal identity, etc. As has happened so often, articles like these get me all philosophical.
Maybe it comes from growing up a fan and being exposed to a lot of outlandish ideas, but for me, identity is all in the head. Nothing external is a true part of your identity – I’ve often tended to think of my body as simply a vehicle which I used to expose my mind to various things. Kind of a small, somewhat fragile, organic BattleMech for my psyche. 🙂
I don’t think of myself as “a brunette” – I just am brunette. I don’t consider myself “a Caucasian” – I just happen to have skin at the paler end of human range. It helped me deal with my Borg replacements better, not to think that I was “losing” part of myself, but just swapping out a broken part. (In fact, I’ve been heard to complain that they could at least have installed the 100 MPH legs while they were in there.)
So I don’t consider myself “a male” – I just happen to be a person in a male body. (Which, btw, I’m quite satisfied with – don’t get me wrong.) People are people, and common courtesy dictates that we let them be who they are, not who we think they should be. I think that if more people would take that into account, we’d have a less stress-ridden society.
This philosphy is what gives me the confidence to wear a vinyl dress to Halloween and freak out some people. :p