Luna and Battle-Cat are dating
Quote of the day, from “We watch He-Man, Sailor Moon, and other magical girl shows for the stock footage and the monster smiting.”
Now I will have Shojo Universe Master He-Man running around in my head all day. “Greyskull Power Sword Transform!!”
Things I am thankful for today: The alarm clock did not wake me from the midst of a dream, so my head actually made it into second gear by the time I had to drive a car. My body kept trying to slip back into reverse, though. Also, it is sunny today and going to be 70 degrees. I need that right now.
Quick review of the Duran Duran concert from the 8th, before I let it slip any further: That was one excellent evening, and I can’t thank stephaniesmom enough for giving me her extra ticket. It was absolutely worth leaving Fairfax at midnight to drive home. They performed every 80’s song I liked, not just the hits, and some of it was interestingly remixed a bit for live performance. We even had pretty good seats! The only downside was that my ears were quickly overloaded by the concert speakers, as usual, so it was a lot easier for me to follow the lyrics of the familiar 80’s material than the newer stuff. And boy, was I tired by the time I got home!
Technicon 2005
I’ve always liked Niven’s Laws. I don’t slavishly agree with them, but they are an excellent source of topics to ponder.
This leads to the fact that I’ve just deleted a lengthy rant about SF/fantasy fans who, despite entreaties from their favorite authors that they start thinking for themselves, are still want to be told what to think and what to believe. The only thing we humans got that the rest of the animal kindgom didn’t is a more complex brain. It’s way past time that we as a race consider trying out some of its higher gears, just to see what happens, you know?
Ok, wow, Technicon report, cool.
Wednesday afternoon ponder
70 degrees and sunny outside today when I can’t go out and enjoy it for a couple hours, and it’ll be 45 again this weekend when I can. Poo. At least I’ll be back in western Virginia and might be able to catch up with some people.
The iPod is so nice. I’d forgotten how good that really-loud on-demand Jean-Michael Jarre could be for my moods. mentions this week that there will be a Robotech CCG this summer, and that Robotech: Shadow Chronicles is in pre-production as we speak. Yeah… I will believe in them both when I see them, and wait the same period before I trust in the quality of either. The CCG especially – designing an entertaining CCG with staying power isn’t the cakewalk a lot of companies think – and they take a *lot* of money to support.
I haven’t been real focused the last week or so, and haven’t gotten many things done that I’d hoped to. Have to reign myself in on that.
Marscon and stuff
Got back from Marscon Sunday. It was an interesting weekend – all the rooms were taken over by a military group preparing for special training, so all the attendees had to drive back and forth to their hotels. Put a damper on things, that’s for sure. I wish I’d remembered that there would be a Rocky Horror show on Saturday night – maybe they’ll do it again next year.
Caught up with kittykatya, impink, tzel, Tom & Donna, Jesse, Suzanne, Dave & Jodi, Dwight, Helen, and a bunch of other folk. I got some cheap Discworld paperbacks, and another Steve Jackson card game; for $1, I also bought a memory – the two books of the 1978 D&D Basic set (4th or 5th printing). We also got some Deadlands modules, and raininva won an auction for a signed uncut sheet of WARS: Nowhere to Hide!
Screen-capture trivia: the men’s miniskirt Starfleet uniform from the early Season One episodes of TNG. Strange that this didn’t catch on. I mean, can’t you just see Worf running around in it?
There was something else on my mind, but it’s gone now.
Continuing the saga of the books I’ve read this year – just finished a re-read of Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy. I have to give Asimov credit for, in the space of a few short stories, giving me the feel of observing the fall of a Galactic Empire.
I am a Hero
The moon demons showed up last night and tried to turn the moon into caramel candy. But I played loud techno music at them and it disrupted their spells and chased them off.
For the first time, Rising Star was an out-of-town con for me! Thanks shrewlet for crash space. I have to say that the con seemed to go swimmingly from my perspective – every attendee seemed to have a good time, and no staff member melted down in my presence. Nicely done, rattrap! Next year I’ll bring more and cooler Decipher stuff.
I had fun in nius‘ skit, though watching the video yesterday, I was struck with a sense of “Did I really do that?” Hey – it got a laugh. Wonderful thing, stage buzz.
Props to our Peeps
I want to thank everyone who’s helped us out with the move this weekend… it was a draining pair of days, but would have been frighteningly worse without you all.
Major props to shrewlet and rhaps, who stood by us both days and slung a lot of boxes; not to mention that Rhaps’ truck-driving experience was absolutely invaluable.
Nick P., Courteney, Nick V., Meg, and rattrap – you made three flights of stairs seem like not that big a deal! I’m so proud that, at the storage unit, we managed to appall someone with a dirty mind and a sick sense of humor. Only we freaks 🙂
Tom, Dwight, Dave, and Jodi made unloading go three times as fast as loading did; now we just have to spend until MarsCon unpacking all these boxen.
And special thanks to silver_hawke, who’s put in a lot of work at the Salem end, both at the apartment and providing sanity checks to raininva. We did have to explain to the Norfolk crowd what you wrote on the boxes you packed. 🙂
Finally, apologies to vond and kittenchan – under other circumstances, we’d have tried to help out. At least we wouldn’t have stolen so many potential assistants.
See many of you at Rising Star!