Maybe there is some kind of cosmic balance…

Dumb thing I did yesterday:
Nearly forgot check for month’s rental of storage unit. Reminded by much smarter wife with 10 minutes to go – barely made it in time.

Smart thing I did yesterday:
On panicked trip to rental office, thought better of cutting off nondescript white Ford. On closer inspection, saw multiple radio antennas and uniformed driver – breathed sigh of relief that good sense had kicked in.

Extremely early thoughts on the T-Con beta schedule

Technicon starts a week from tomorrow, and they’ve posted an early version of the schedule. I do realize that con schedules are subject to complete revision until late Sunday afternoon, but I couldn’t help noticing a few things.

The first thing is that my sweetie and I are involved in one of the Live-Action Role Playing games, and that at least one (possibly both) of the games starts Friday night at 8:00. So we may miss meiran‘s Women in SF panel 🙁 I’ve enjoyed representing the Liberated Male there in the past, and I’d be sorry to miss this one.

Another scheduled LARP event (if it’s for the one I’m in) may cause me to miss the first half of the Amateur Film panel, which would be a shame. We don’t have a submission this year like we were going to, but it’s fun to see what others bring and comment on it.

(2 years ago: “Are you sure you want me as a panelist? I haven’t actually been involved in anything since Space Rogues – all I can talk about is the several projects I hope to start work on sometime soon.”

“Amateur shmamateur, that makes you a Hollywood professional!”)

The person I will be playing in the LARP is a major Russian political figure, I haven’t decided whether my accent should be “Boris Badenov” or Connery’s “Alexsandr Ramius” (i.e. Moscow by way of Scotland).

This year’s midnight discussions include the SW Virginia Spiritual Alliance (a pagan group), Polyamory 101, and a BDSM demonstration / panel. Who says science fiction fans never do anything but watch their Trek videos?

Internet Movie Madness

For those who wanted to know, the online version of the first episode of Space Rogues can be found on my Movies page.

It’s in two parts which add up to 90 megs of Quicktime, so don’t try this on your 28.8 modem.

Which Space Rogues Character Are You?

Geek Moment!

So, I’m playing the 3D cyberpunk video game “Deus Ex” yesterday… I find a note that an engineer has left for his superior, alerting him that the new root password for the local computer system is “reindeerflotilla.”

I sit there and think, “That sounds so familiar… why is that familiar to me?”

Turns out it’s the internal level 6 password to the Emcon mainframe that Jeff Bridges uses in the movie “Tron.”

Why does my brain only store this stuff? Why can’t I remember anything useful?

Rain made a test!

Which Space Rogues Character Are You?
Cmdr. Brion Fields

Wow, the Internet really is vast and complex!

My Internet access is working again.

Yesterday: “It’s your Ethernet card.” “I have four machines here with cards from three different manufacturers. None of them are working. I don’t think it’s the card.” “Uh, okay, you don’t have your Windows Network control panel properly configured for TCP/IP.” “This is a local intranet consisting of two Windows machines, one Mac, and a BSD Unix box. What do you think I’m configured for, carrier pigeon?” “Uh, okay, your modem’s bad. We’ll send a guy over with a new one tomorrow.” “Fine.”

Today: “Hello, we aren’t going to send you a modem yet, the tech support person you talked to has been screwing up a lot lately. What’s the hardware address on your modem?” “Blah-blah-blah-blah-4C.” “Okay, that the problem, we have it here as blah-blah-blah-blah-4L.” “What? How can you have an L in a hexadecimal number?” “… Just reboot the modem and try again.”

So I’ve got access… and about 300 unread messages. 🙂

A quick comment on meiran‘s cosplay postings: I am still trying to find the picture I had from an old VTSFFC Halloween. It’s myself as Tuxedo Mask surrounded by the Katsucon 1 Sailor Senshi from Blacksburg. The anime freak where I work doesn’t believe me when I tell him I did that, though it’s funny watching him trying to decide whether I’m 1) lame for being in a Sailor Moon costume group, or 2) way cool for being in the company of five women in skirts that short.Interestingly, when you search the web for Sailor Moon cosplayers, you find a lot of men playing the senshi. A quote from one male Sailor Moon: “I get a lot of female attention. Apparently chicks dig the bows.”

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