Brief updates
- 07:20 I wish *I* drove an SUV so *I* could drive 85 in a 55 MPH zone without fear of repercussion. #
- 08:20 @tangowildheart Fun superpower: summon waiting police cruiser exactly one mile ahead of the car that just blew by. #
- 11:12 @snidegrrl I knew I’d never see ELO perform, but that’s further emphasis of the situation. Sad thing. #
- 11:36 @Aeire In “I <3 MY DP” license plates, DP stands for Digital Poodle. #
- 14:42 I am seriously considering teaching myself the basics of working a sewing machine this weekend. #
- 19:34 The sewing machine I’ll have access to this weekend is a four-figure price professional model. Uh… *gulp* #
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I’ll Smile If I Want To
Thinking about something twistdfateangel posted:
There are a lot of people out there who can’t have a good time unless someone else is having a bad one. In online gaming, we call them “griefers”.
Unfortunately, the costuming field in fandom has a fair proportion of them. They used to make me angry… now I just pity them. (And mock them a bit.) I’ll wear what I damn well want to wear to the con, and if it’s not quite period, or if the fabric color’s a little off, or if I’ve taken parts of the outfit from entirely different fictions: screw it. I’m having fun. Too bad, so sad that they’re not.
Training, sir!
Bad news: we all have to take Office 2007 and MS Vista training; it’s not optional, even for Mac me. Good news: The company will reimburse tuition for any Microsoft certifications to which this training leads. Methinks I’d be a complete fool not to take advantage of this – extra certifications can’t hurt, right?
At the moment, Starr and I share the house with four cats, two of ours and two from her family that are on extended ‘boarding’ with us. We must put in a fair amount of effort to keep up with demands for food and clean litter! As a result, though, I woke up this morning with one cat sleeping on my lap, another nestled tight against my left hip, and a third tucked under my right armpit. It seems I make an excellent cat pillow.
Tonight, Starr works late, and my chore list includes laundry, cooking, and cleaning; our Shadowrun group meets again Monday, and I don’t intend to spend the weekend picking up. I need to chill, and take care of some happier business.
Trying this at home
My coworker Lee B. was joking about heading to PiChiTa for lunch – the local Pizza Hut / KFC / Taco Bell combo. I responded that he’d best be careful, because if he said “pichita” too loudly over there, it would end up as their newest menu item.
Then I got to thinking. Take some lightly seasoned diced chicken. Put it in a taco shell, cover with a little pizza sauce, add a judicious amount of your favorite topping (crumbled sausage, chopped pepperoni or shrooms, whatever), and melt some mozzarella atop the whole thing.
Frankly, that sounds pretty good. If Starr’s brave this weekend, we may have to experiment a bit. If it’s good, I’ll give Lee full credit.
Daft music, schedules, and composing
Now that I’m digging the Daft Punk, everyone’s been saying over and over that I needed to get the Alive 2007 album. Picked it up this weekend, finally listened to it with the speakers turned up on my morning commute. That’s some fine commuting music, that is.
It looks like Starr won’t be making it to Technicon Last; she can’t get out of working that weekend. Her shifts are crazy – it’s a regular thing for her to have five days off in a row, but somehow her scheduled weekend shifts always fall on convention dates. It annoys us both. She has more than enough PTO to cover it if she took off, but that requires a great deal of shift-trading, and for some reason few of her co-workers want to work extra weekend shifts. Can’t imagine why.
I may have a very memorable con costume this year.
I like Twitter because it provides useful writing exercise in expressing onself succinctly. I shouldn’t fret, though, if I miss a few dozen because I’m away from a ‘Net connection. Most of the stuff I’ll want to know shows up in LiveJournal, and LJ’s much easier to keep up with. (Blogging of any kind forces me to keep in mind two good practices: try to avoid that cursed passive voice, and don’t write a novel where a couple of paragraphs will get my point across better.)
The latest Guardians
Having already closed a couple of tickets this morning, I bounced over to my RSS feed reader, which notified me of the day’s posts on
Clicking through the links, I brought up this particular group of variant Sailor Senshi. I thought, “Okay, cute, bet I’m missing someone’s fanfic story here…” and then I suddently realized exactly what the theme in question was meant to be.
All I can say is, there’s a weekday afternoon cartoon that I’d put on the DVR recording list.
Brief updates
- 11:38 I hope that plenty of folks got to take LeVar Burton’s Birthday off yesterday. #
- 13:42 Holy smoke, I completely missed the WoW “Love Is In The Air” festival! Glad I wasn’t going for the meta-Achievement this year. #
- 14:22 @dragonpearl Print jobs submitted late always made me homicidal, because I knew I’d be staying until 11 or 12 that night. #
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John Milton revisited
I’m curiously drawn to re-interpretations in modern fiction of the underpinnings of Christian theology, such as the one in the beginning of Tolkien’s Silmarillion. Since I’ve enjoyed Steven Brust’s Vlad Taltos novels, I picked up To Reign In Hell at a con or bookstore, and gave it a read.
Well, I tried to. Twice. The first couple of times, for some reason I couldn’t get a sense of the characters or the premise. Last night, I took a deep breath, and tried a third time with much more focused attention, getting much farther into it. The attempt didn’t work out…
Ye Olde Abandonede Warehouse
Last night we had the complete gaming group together for the first time since the Shadowrun game started. Jesse’s razorgirl and Amy’s decker joined in as the group looked for a place to hide their rock singer. The group procured a rent-a-squat, obtained food and water, and decided to turtle up and wait out their contract.
Shrewlet Update
Cindy’s in Roanoke Memorial, room 906 West, phone (540) 266-5424. She has Internet access as well (no, not including WoW).
They tried to give her a steroid injection to improve the situation a bit, which she describes as “the most painful thing I have ever encountered. I’ve been fighting in the SCA for 20 years and have never taken blows that hurt that hard as that shot.”
They are going to see if the injection helps, but surgery is still an option. At last report, she didn’t have full sensation in either leg.
More as I know it.