Ow. (Achoo.)
I have been moving heavy furniture and kicking up serious dust since Wednesday afternoon. Now, I have a cheap bargain respiratory tract which is allergic to everything, so by last night I was sore from the neck down from lifting and carrying, and my nose was plugged solid.
I can breathe now, but everytime I sneeze I still feel a burning sensation in the muscles of my back. And right now, everything I eat or drink tasts like dust.
On the other hand, now when meiran comes over to do her video editing, she won’t take one look in my office and refuse to associate with me ever again. So that’s a plus. Also, there’s now enough floor space that I can actually walk over to my desk, slide the chair out, and sit down normally, instead of doing the complicated “hop-hop-pirouette” I had to do before.
Now if only that @$%&* new hard drive would get here…
I find my lack of self convidence disturbing…
Since I’m feeling a bit like a lemming (as in, “c’mon, let’s all take another web test!”) tonight, I thought I’d work out and post my furry code here… but honestly, once I did it, I found that I just wasn’t comfortable revealing some of the personal info in it. Seems strange… maybe Mr. Exhibitionist is feeling shy tonight, I don’t know.
I know what it is, I just need food. Low blood sugar, no carbohydrates to speak of. Half a box of breakfast cereal would do the trick if I had any, but I’ll go see what else is in the pantry. I love the all-too-familiar headspace of having cabinets full of food and not being able to find stuff to eat.
I need to clear off more HD space for meiran tonight, too.
“If she’d gone that way, she’d’ve gone right to that ‘orrible castle!”
Okay, the comment text is a bit garbled, but still, I will *not* complain about being this movie: David Bowie – Jennifer Connelly – Jim Henson – George Lucas – Maurice Sendak – M.C. Escher – crystal juggling – Choreography by Beverly Crusher! 🙂
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You’re a dreamer at heart and have a great looking Goblin King. You are everybody’s favorite, but most won’t accept you. |
made by
Internet access for Moose supplied by BinkyWare Oslo
Personally, I always identified with Arthur. Or Tim… actually, I’ve often wished I was a pyrokinetic.

which “monty python and the holy grail” character are you?
this quiz was made by colleen
Let’s Do the Time Warp Again
Just did a Rocky Horror showing at TCon 19, thanks to Barb’s video room… now it looks like a local club will be running it midnight Friday and Saturday at the Cinema Cafe. $3.50 for tickets, $2 for a prop kit. Tolls of Madness is the link. We might go to the Saturday showing after TCon Dead Dog.
More Oscar Fallout
This was part of last night’s “Vote Early, Vote Often!” poll on As The Apple Turns, a weekday Mac news and rumors site. Some of the choices only make sense if you follow Mac stuff carefully: however…
“What did you find most disappointing about the 74th Annual Academy Awards?”
3) Boy, you’d think that Halle Berry could have mustered up at least a little emotion
4) Not nearly enough onscreen violence between the Pixarians and the Shrek team
5) After sixteen nominations, Randy Newman only finally won once he started to look eerily like Roger Ebert
Where’s that lottery money?
So, this morning in Tokyo, Steve Jobs announced a 10 gigabyte iPod for $500. I’m not sure that if added every CD I own to my MP3 collection that I’d have 10 gigs, even if I tossed in a gig of files to use it as an emergency boot drive. Heck, put a color screen on that puppy and you could watch ripped DVDs off of it!
Apple: “Yes, we’re expensive. But isn’t this cool?”
Internet Movie Madness
For those who wanted to know, the online version of the first episode of Space Rogues can be found on my Movies page.
It’s in two parts which add up to 90 megs of Quicktime, so don’t try this on your 28.8 modem.
Which Space Rogues Character Are You?
Geek Moment!
So, I’m playing the 3D cyberpunk video game “Deus Ex” yesterday… I find a note that an engineer has left for his superior, alerting him that the new root password for the local computer system is “reindeerflotilla.”
I sit there and think, “That sounds so familiar… why is that familiar to me?”
Turns out it’s the internal level 6 password to the Emcon mainframe that Jeff Bridges uses in the movie “Tron.”
Why does my brain only store this stuff? Why can’t I remember anything useful?